Swimming fun in natural, crystal-clear water without disinfectants

Crystal-clear water, biologically flawless, natural and pure like a Swiss mountain lake. The revolutionary H2enjOy filter system ensures excellent water quality in the pool, comparable to drinking water!

Red eyes, dry or itchy skin, the smell of chlorine and faded swimwear? Those days are over! The H2enjOy filter system ensures unprecedented water quality. 100% natural, crystal clear and without disinfectants.

Natural, crystal clear and without disinfectants
The revolutionary new type of mechanical and biological water treatment works without chlorine, without heavy metal compounds, without algicides, without environmental toxins and without allergens. In terms of its essential properties, the water is comparable to drinking water, making bathing fun of the highest quality.

Highly efficient two-stage purification
In the first stage, the water is mechanically filtered, irradiated with ultraviolet light (UVO) and microbiologically sanitized using natural ozone generated in the system. The ozone is already volatilized in the H2enjOy filter system and is therefore no longer present in the bathing water.

The biological filtration stage then removes the organic substances introduced into the water by bathers and from the environment - effectively and completely naturally. The phosphates are absorbed from the water using a cartridge specially developed for natural waters.